Michael Markman


A VR prototyping tool for XR designs

Co-founder & CEO / Head of Product



This idea initially came into existence due to my own frustrations as a UX designer coming from the 2D world trying to design VR apps. Sketch mockups were too abstract for my teammates to understand, 3D ones were too time-consuming to create (on top of the technical knowledge required).

Our solution was Moment, a tool that allowed you to design VR in VR, quickly and intuitively. It enabled designers to express and test their spatial concepts without having to dive into a game engine.

Users could naturally layout elements such as 3D shapes, lights, images, 3D models

Projects were made up a series of scenes that could be navigated either linearly or through objects made into clickable hotspots (linking to other scenes)

AR in VR mode. Objects in the scene could be marked as “Visible in AR Mode Only”

Snappable draw grids for UI text and annotations

Projects were made up a series of scenes that could be navigated either linearly or through objects made into clickable hotspots (linking to other scenes)

Original trailer (2017)


We wanted users to use primitives to do rough & rapid layout of environments, and also use them for positioning & scaling of UI elements. This was one of the ways we ended up differing from a more artistic draw-first VR tools like Tilt Brush.

3D grid snapping

Object to surface snapping

Single axis handles for primitives & models

Rapid duplication methods

Grouping objects

Deletion sphere


As we tested with more artists & designers, we also discovered unexpected use cases like mapping out dance choreography, designing the smart lobby experience of an office building, and even quickly pre-visualizing a set for a shoot.

Just like XR designers, these creators were also solving problems for experiences that happen in a 3D space, over time.

Each scene had a "user viewpoint" that could be set and positioned. Changing the position of the user between otherwise identical scenes would simulate the feeling of moving through the space.


Evolution of the menu & controls (2016-2018)

Version 0.1

Version 0.4

Version 0.5

12 minute full walkthrough, AR app idea (early 2018)

OG Steam Page